Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Dear reader,  in writing this article, the purpose is to educate and inform, not replace medical diagnosis.

Define: What is menopause?

Menopause is a normal part of life. It's a step in a long, slow process of reproductive aging. A woman's body changes over a lifetime. Many of these changes are due to variation in levels of hormones that occurs at different stages of life.

Puberty often starts when a girl is about 12 years. There are changes in your body - develop breasts and pubic hair begins menstruación.La menopause is the period ending the female reproductive phase. Menopause begins at the end of menstruation. Over time, the ovaries gradually lose the ability to produce estrogen and progesterone, the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. As estrogen production decreases, ovulation and menstruation often occur, and eventually stop. Estrogen also helps the health of bones and women to maintain a good level of blood cholesterol.

Menstruation can be stopped early due to illness or a hysterectomy. Menopause usually occurs when a woman is around 50 years old. Menopause can happen but sometimes as early as 40. Age and menopausal symptoms also have a strong genetic influence. As a rule of thumb, the woman who started menstruation early is likely to experience menopause earlier. Now, we have what is called: The menopausal transition, commonly called perimenopause, is the time when a woman's body is closer to menopause. At that moment a woman's menstruation may be less regular and she may start feeling the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats. Perimenopause usually begins about 2 to 4 years before the last menstruation.

In other words, the Perimenopause is the period of gradual changes leading to menopause. Some women may experience perimenopause at 35 years. Perimenopause can take several months or even years. During perimenopause, it slows the production of estrogen and the levels of the same range. Postmenopause is the period after menopause and lasts the rest of his life.

The most common symptoms are:

◙ Changes in periods.

◙ Heats.

◙ Problems with the vagina and bladder.

◙ Sex.

◙ sleep problems.

◙ Genius Changes

◙ Changes in your body.

You may not even notice two important changes that happen with menopause.

◙ The loss of bone tissue can weaken your bones and cause osteoporosis.

◙ You can increase the risk of heart disease due to aumentode age-related weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels


As for treatment, menopause, your doctor may suggest taking estrogen and progesterone, which is known as hormone replacement therapy. However, I must say that these have side effects. Although the government has failed to regulate phytoestrogens. What are they? Phytoestrogens are estrogen-like substances found in cereals, vegetables, legumes (beans) and some herbs. In our "Natural Pharmacy" where it says WOMAN find the supplements you need to control these symptoms without side effects.


For your grandmother and great-grandmother, life expectancies were shorter term. The onset of menopause often meant approaching the end of life. But this is no longer true. Today, women live longer - on average, until age 78. If you take intelligent decisions about menopause and a healthy lifestyle you can get good profit at 20, 30 or more years ahead!.

Our Motivation is Your Health!

Dr. Nunez-Estrella

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration of America (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.